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Monday, July 11, 2011

When I first . . .

Slept through the night: October 23rd (9:30 until 7 am)

Smiled: 2nd month - you were a happy boy!!

Laughed out loud: I'd say the end of the second month - you are ticklish in the belly

Rolled over: November 13, 04 - I yelled to your dad - he's rolling over and he thought I said - someone was coming over.

Sat up alone: Feb 23, 2005 - 6 1/2 months old

Crawled: Feb 23rd 2005 - 6 1/2 months old

Bathed in the tub: Your daddy gave you your first bath - and it's on camera - you hated it!

Waved: you started with a full arm and now at 18 months you only move your hand.

Took your fist step: a day before you turned one

Danced: Nancy Lane (our daycare provider - got you to dance)

Spoke a word - you say ho-ho-ho when asked what does Santa say (ma & da & hot)

Got my hair cut: by Aunt Laurie

Went potty: June 12, 2006 at 22 months you went potty for the first time in the potty chair

You said Tee-bone with sign language

January 16, 2006 - at 18 months you took your fist poop while taking a bath

18 months: you say: Hot, momma, dada, ho-ho-h0, waf- what a dog says and you can flex when asked - you haven't liked wearing a bib and you started to take it off - you love crackers.

When ever you went potty in the toilet - you waved bye bye to your pee pee and poop

I started each day by . . . smiling - Good morning, Good morning and seeing your big smile in the beginning of the my day.

I love to eat rice and oatmeal.

I hate green beans

My favorite toys: elephant - named Elly (you loved his tail)

My best friend (was Cooper)

My favorite books: a sounds book - titled, Sounds on the Go - Uncle John and Shirlee gave it to you

The songs I liked best were - Kindermusik

At bath time, I liked my tugboats and toys by discovery toys

My favorite pets - my wiener dog - named Tee-bone

It was time for bed when I said my prayers with my parents

I would drift to sleep when it was nine at 18 months - you switched to 8 pm

First time being sick - February 12th - you threw up at 1:45 am in your crib twice - we gave you a bath and cleaned your sheets and you went right back to sleep - then you threw up again 4 days later all over your mom and dad while watching Sesame Street - you have not been eating - only drinking - we have your 18 month check up today - (Feb 24th)

Went to your first baseball game: You went to the Express game in Carson Park on August 7th 2006.

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